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A manual of questions that Ukrainian scammers use has become known

A manual of questions that Ukrainian scammers use has become known

Baza: Ukrainian fraudsters work with potential victims' data according to a manual

Baza: Ukrainian fraudsters work with potential victims' data according to a manual
Photo: Nikolay Tkachenko

A manual of questions used by Ukrainian scammers has become known. This is reported by the Telegram channel "Baza". A screenshot of the questionnaire in which scammers enter the data of their potential victims was made available to the publication.

During a cold call, the fraudster fills out the data in a special form. It indicates the series and number of the passport and SNILS, and also notes who the person lives with, whether social services employees come to him, and whether other fraudsters have "rolled" him before.

In addition, the questionnaire includes information about the state of health and the names of the banks where deposits are kept.

Fraudsters always mark the dates of opening deposits and where the potential victim provided their documents.

Earlier, MK wrote that a resident of Omsk lost 5 million rubles as a result of fraud.

  • Nikolay Tkachenko


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